The inaugural Cleft Awareness Month for Malaysia will be launched on 1st October 2021. This is quite a milestone in the history of CLAPAM championing the interest of the Cleft Community.
The launch will be held at the Faculty of Dentistry UM. 1st October coincidentally falls on a day when UM conducts the Combined Cleft Clinic. UM is given the honor as the first CCC in Malaysia was held at UM in August 1992.
We encourage all Malaysians to wear the “Purple Ribbon”, a symbol of the orofacial cleft. We are unable to give everyone such a ribbon and thus encourage all to make as many as possible to be given to friends, relatives, and acquaintances. Attached is a video on how such a ribbon can be made.
The closing ceremony for the inaugural Cleft Awareness Month is planned to be held at Hospital KL. There are two specific programs in which cleft individuals or families can take part in.
Do keep a lookout for CLAPAM’s FB and website to get updates on the inaugural Cleft Awareness Month.